Creatively Brave

Creatively brave. Isn’t saying or reading that phrase inspiring? What comes to mind? An artist on opening night. An author launching a book. An engineer selling their invention.
What makes someone creatively brave is that they share their creativity. It doesn’t have to be the situations I mentioned. It could be sharing a poem, drawing, or sharing an idea with a friend. It’s as simple as it is difficult.
But you’re not creative, you say. You were created in the image of God. The creator of the universe and as His son or daughter, you inherited that creativity. So don’t believe that lie. We are all creative in some way.
But you’re not brave, you say. God promises in Philippians 4:13 that “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you”. Christ makes you brave. Believe that truth.
Now that you see how God has made you creatively brave, here are some ways to live it out.
Co-Create With Christ: You don’t create without influence or direction from the creator who anoints your creating. When you are in the flow, the Holy Spirit is working within you! You are creating with Christ. Isn’t that amazing? You’re being brave by giving up control of the pen, the microphone, the saw, the _________ and letting God join in. For God says that if you draw near to Him, He’ll draw near to you (James 4:8).
Take Risks: Stepping out to try something new or picking up an old project takes effort. It takes even more effort when you’re not sure what you’re doing. When you don’t know or see the end product. Starting with the end in mind doesn’t always work for the creative brain. But just starting is a risk, you say. A risk of wasted time. Effort. Failing. Not being satisfied with the outcome. But creativity above all needs to create and just starting is worth the risk.
You Do You: Growing up what were you praised for or even made fun of for? What did you used to do as a kid that you no longer do? These are things that make you, you. Sometimes you shy away from them because they make you feel weird. Make you feel different. But God made you unique with intertwining gifts that support others gifts and dreams. Only you can do what you do the way you do it. So get out there! You have a dream to share!
My prayer for you today is to recognize and receive the fact that God has made you creatively brave. To start or continue to create. To work towards your dream and have fun with it. To enjoy the work. To savor it. In Jesus name, Amen.